Check out some books by your tutor Fiona Veitch Smith … (click on the book covers to find out more)

fiona-veitch-smith-the-jazz-files fiona-veitch-smith-the-peace-garden fiona-veitch-smith-david-and-the-hairy-beast fiona-veitch-smith-david-and-the-giant

free creative writing courseAre you a beginner writer? Do you know you want to put pen to paper but not know where to start? This eight-session online creative writing course will give you an introduction to the basic elements of creative writing, from prose fiction to poetry. The course is entirely free and you can work through it at your own pace. The exercises are designed to help you start writing and self-analyse your work. Feedback from a tutor will not be provided. However, you may ask questions along the way if there is something you don’t understand about how the course is put together. Post them in the comments box.  If you have any questions about how the course operates before contacting me please check out the FAQ list on the menu above which covers pretty much everything – and that includes how to get started and whether or not it’s really free!

Please note: This is a free course but that does not mean you will receive free critiques of your writing. The critiquing service mentioned in the FAQ is separate to this course. I do not give feedback on the exercises. If you would like me to give my professional opinion on your creative writing beyond this course please contact me for a quote. There is a link to these rates on the FAQ page.

And now, back to the fun (and free!) stuff. The creative writing course will cover:

  1. Releasing your Creativity
    Explore how to tap into your creativity, and whether you are naturally more inclined towards writing poetry or prose.
  2. How to write a short story
    A look at how writing a short story differs from writing a novel, and some tips on short story structure.
  3. Writing from a point of view (POV)
    How your choice of first, second or third person POV can have a dramatic effect on how readers engage with your story.
  4. Bringing your writing to life
    How to activate your writing and transform it into a sensual experience.
  5. Writing characters
    Writing complex, believable characters to inhabit your literary world.
  6. Writing dialogue
    Your voice as an author, writing dialogue between characters, use of dialect, and some tips on the mechanics of laying out your text.
  7. Poetry: how to write poems
    The basics of writing poetry – lyric versus narrative, structured versus free verse, rhythm and meter.
  8. Markets, competitions and opportunities
    How to further develop your writing by joining a writer’s group and entering competitions, and some tips on getting published.

the-creative-writing-coursebookI’ll mention helpful books and other useful resources as we go, which you can buy or borrow from your library – how you get hold of them is up to you, but try to get a look at them. If you click on the book cover it will take you to the book on Amazon. A very useful book on creative writing in general is The Creative Writing Coursebook. Please note however, this is not a ‘text book’ for this course – it’s just a book I have personally found useful. You do not need to get this book, or for that matter any book to do the course. But of course, it will help deepen your learning if you do.

Any questions? Then check out the Frequently Asked Questions page. Otherwise…

>> Click here to get started.

Happy writing!

306 comments on “Contents

  1. barbara on said:

    I am very interested in taking this course,i have a few childrens story books that i am working on , and one day I would like to publish them,

  2. on said:

    thanking you for this free course i would like to give it a go Terrence

  3. Just a small note to let you get a gimps into the life of me Elaine
    That a tough one, because I do all kinds of creative things, I likes to draw and write; tell my stories to my great grandchildren. I am loving and warm.
    I can bet you want to hear about my writing side, it is more in keeping with this course.
    Here goes, I have been writing along time one of my many loves.
    I use to tell my stories to my Children, Grandchildren and now my great grandchildren, but have started to write them down. There are three in the works, to old for little mind to understand.
    Just a glimpse into my life I was born in the small town of Dunville Ontario, Canada. And grew up in a large family of eight brothers and one sister, with a strong Celtic background on my fathers side. Maybe that where I got most of my great imagination, from the stories my grandmother told. Yet in my growing up years, I wanted to be an artist.
    Which has come in handy, as I illustrates my own books.
    However, for years I had found being a mother and a wife. And raised five children three girls and two boys, a long with helping with her grand children three girls three boys left me not much time for my writing or painting. I always had time to make up a story for my children who had to hear a new one every night. And what stories I has made up bringing out the imagination in me.

    In the last twenty years I have hand written well over forty or more children’s books that I am leaving to her great grand children. Oh I forgot I have seven great grandchildren, five little girls One was little Serena but god took her to heaven and three boys. You can say I have had a full life, but my wish is to be published.
    With taking this course I hopes it will help me to be just that.

  4. I want to learn how to write books I have so many ideas.

  5. Deane Tolbert on said:

    I love writing, and I have been writing poetry and short stories for years. I would really like to about my craft. I would also like develop my craft and technique as a writer.

  6. atum potom on said:

    passion for creative writing

  7. Jeanie Kelley on said:

    So this is a free course? I was wondering if this will help me with writing my blog that I have? How will we submit to you what we have written? Will we be posting on Word and sending you the document? I am excited about writing. I have also a volunteer job of writing an article for Online Bible Study. That is where I want to begin. Christian writing. Thanks so much.

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      Hello Jeanie. This is a creative writing course which teaches you to write short stories and poetry not blogging. You do not submit what you have written. Please read the information on the frequently asked questions page which covers all of that. If you still want to continue with the course, happy writing!

  8. Coralee Bailey on said:

    It sounds very exciting.When can I start?

  9. Oris Morolani on said:

    Hello, I’m a beginner writer and I would like to be involved in the free creative writing course.
    Best Regards,
    Oris Morolani

  10. Sandi bickley on said:

    I am planning on writing a book but I need to brush up on my writing skills. I am 47 Yeats old and its been a long time since I have been in school.

  11. John Donachie on said:

    I am determined to concentrate my leisure time
    learning the various methods to succeed at English-Especially Poetry.

  12. Duncan Allan on said:

    Thank you :)

  13. Sara Peden Sara on said:

    I want to turn my many life experiences into fiction.

  14. Ana Lúcia Mnelau on said:

    I have a dream being a writer. I love to read books since I was 8 and it is my best hobby.
    I have lots of ideas in my head, but i never had studied about how to be a writer.
    No, I would like to start learning.
    I have read lots of great writers, seeing theirs stile.
    Today I was in a blog from Ben Oliveira and saw this course. Unfortunately may english s terrible, but i can understand a little. I will try this course.
    Thank you

  15. Gbenga Michael on said:

    I have not gone through an eye opening online course like this in my life! It is not an exaggeration. I had been a miserable creative writer until I stumbled on your course last Wednesday. It was when my work was absolutely condemned that I felt I needed urgent help. I thank God I was not disappointed. My hope of being a creative writer had once rebound. I hope to meet you even though I am skint.

  16. Gbenga Michael on said:

    It is probably the best online course I had gone through in my life. It is not an exaggeration. I had been a miserable creative writer until I stumbled on your free online course last Wednesday. It was when my work was absolutely condemned that I felt I needed urgent help. I will still desire to meet you even though I am skint.

  17. Katherine Hayward on said:

    The course sounds great, I will follow your blog too. I have written 3 books in the past year and need to redraft some parts. I also need to learn about POVs, when to change them, and how to really draw the reader into the story. Any advice when writing for 9-12 year olds? I have written two urban fantasies and a YA novel

  18. Candace Feo on said:

    I have always wanted to write and I feel that taking these courses from you would be very helpful.

    Thank You,
    Candace Feo

  19. Santanu Dey on said:

    Hello Ma’am!
    First of all, thanks a lot for creating such a useful site. Personally, I’ve gained considerably from your free “Creative Writing Course”, so much so that I’ve changed my objective. Previously, I was only aiming at writing articles, blogs, and contents for websites. I wrote a few articles and worked for developing websites on a few occasions. But, now I aspire to be a writer, besides. And, I mean business. I’ve decided to start with writing short stories, both for child and adult readers. Thus, I urge you guide me. Plz let me know what steps should I follow.
    However, I must, especially, mention your ‘Bringing your writing to Life’ installment – it’s just been fabulous. ‘Active and dynamic aspects of writing’, ‘somatasthesia’, ‘choose words that have layers of meaning’, ‘using synaesthetic techniques’, ‘show, don’t tell’ – have been some invaluable motifs. Now, I find plenty of characters and incidents/facts to be developed into stories. Interestingly, these are not fictitious, but real. I’ve either firsthand interactions with them or they are happening in front me – thus, are very much alive right in front of my inquisitive eyes. I’ll remain indebted to you for kindling my creative insight.

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      Thank you Santanu. Good to hear you’ve been inspired. Keep writing. At the end of the coure there are some suggestions as to how you might take your writing forward. Good luck.

  20. writing my first book

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