Check out some books by your tutor Fiona Veitch Smith … (click on the book covers to find out more)

fiona-veitch-smith-the-jazz-files fiona-veitch-smith-the-peace-garden fiona-veitch-smith-david-and-the-hairy-beast fiona-veitch-smith-david-and-the-giant

free creative writing courseAre you a beginner writer? Do you know you want to put pen to paper but not know where to start? This eight-session online creative writing course will give you an introduction to the basic elements of creative writing, from prose fiction to poetry. The course is entirely free and you can work through it at your own pace. The exercises are designed to help you start writing and self-analyse your work. Feedback from a tutor will not be provided. However, you may ask questions along the way if there is something you don’t understand about how the course is put together. Post them in the comments box.  If you have any questions about how the course operates before contacting me please check out the FAQ list on the menu above which covers pretty much everything – and that includes how to get started and whether or not it’s really free!

Please note: This is a free course but that does not mean you will receive free critiques of your writing. The critiquing service mentioned in the FAQ is separate to this course. I do not give feedback on the exercises. If you would like me to give my professional opinion on your creative writing beyond this course please contact me for a quote. There is a link to these rates on the FAQ page.

And now, back to the fun (and free!) stuff. The creative writing course will cover:

  1. Releasing your Creativity
    Explore how to tap into your creativity, and whether you are naturally more inclined towards writing poetry or prose.
  2. How to write a short story
    A look at how writing a short story differs from writing a novel, and some tips on short story structure.
  3. Writing from a point of view (POV)
    How your choice of first, second or third person POV can have a dramatic effect on how readers engage with your story.
  4. Bringing your writing to life
    How to activate your writing and transform it into a sensual experience.
  5. Writing characters
    Writing complex, believable characters to inhabit your literary world.
  6. Writing dialogue
    Your voice as an author, writing dialogue between characters, use of dialect, and some tips on the mechanics of laying out your text.
  7. Poetry: how to write poems
    The basics of writing poetry – lyric versus narrative, structured versus free verse, rhythm and meter.
  8. Markets, competitions and opportunities
    How to further develop your writing by joining a writer’s group and entering competitions, and some tips on getting published.

the-creative-writing-coursebookI’ll mention helpful books and other useful resources as we go, which you can buy or borrow from your library – how you get hold of them is up to you, but try to get a look at them. If you click on the book cover it will take you to the book on Amazon. A very useful book on creative writing in general is The Creative Writing Coursebook. Please note however, this is not a ‘text book’ for this course – it’s just a book I have personally found useful. You do not need to get this book, or for that matter any book to do the course. But of course, it will help deepen your learning if you do.

Any questions? Then check out the Frequently Asked Questions page. Otherwise…

>> Click here to get started.

Happy writing!

306 comments on “Contents

  1. jessica whitaker on said:

    Hi my name is Jessica and I’m interested in the course.

  2. Stacey Persons on said:

    I am looking for a creative writing course to brush up on skills forgotten. I want to be able to start writing my own books and am hoping that this course can do just that.

  3. Allessundra on said:

    I am interested in the free creative writing class

  4. SUJATA on said:

    I am very excited and eager to begin…

  5. Kerry Wisner on said:

    I want to learn as much as I can about writing. I write every day and use prompts, or create them myself. Thank you.

  6. Jessica Seawright on said:

    I’m not really “new” to writing, but I think this’ll be good for me.

  7. Cheyenne Rumsley on said:

    Hi Fiona, I’m a little curious as to whether or not a certificate is rewarded after the completion of this course? Thank you :)

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      Hi Cheyenne, no there isn’t. I’m just a private individual who thought some other people might be interested to learn some of the things I have taught myself about creative writing. I hope you enjoy the course. Fiona

  8. Nancy Rigores on said:

    Sometimes I feel like I am adrift at sea waiting for a gale wind to take me to my destination.

  9. Dilki De Silva on said:

    I am interested in your course. So, I was wondering if it is free and eligible for a year 10 student. Also, how much time does the course takes?
    Thank you,
    Dilki De Silva

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      Hello Dilki,

      I’m not sure which country you come from so am unsure what age a year 10 student will be. However, I think the course would be appropriate for 13 years plus. The course will take as much time as you would like to give to it – days, weeks or months is up to you. I would suggest though you do one session a week. If you do that it will take you around 2 months to complete. Yes it’s free.

  10. Margie Wishart on said:

    I am now retired. Am interested in writing – mainly short stories. Need motivation to get started. But will also need critiques and advice. Please help with advice on best way to get started. Education: 2 degrees: B.Sc and B.Th
    Thank you

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      Margie, you can start by doing the course. If you would like further critiques of your work, please see the FAQ (frequently asked questions) tab above, and there will be a link in there to my rates for critiquing. Or you can check them out here

  11. Elizabeth Sifuentes on said:

    I am very interested in attending this course; thank you for offering it at “no cost.”

  12. Bryan Maloney on said:

    Having seen your advert in the writers Forum I have decided to take the course.
    It certainly looks good and hopefully it will help me to improve my hobby of writing.

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      What advert in the Writers Forum? I didn’t place an ad in the Writers Forum. But glad you found your way here anyway. Enjoy the course.

  13. Bryan Maloney on said:

    just sent an e mail to confirm i would like to do the free course

  14. Saundra on said:

    Hello, Really interested in brushing up my writing skills. I am a published author just wanting to improve for my readers. I have never taken any writing classes and I think it would be vital in my creativity. Really looking forward to this. Thanks

  15. Jean Moore on said:

    I intersed in for apply your course

  16. migael g. avila on said:

    well creative writing is a friendly to do… as well, creative writing enhances our writing skills and it improves our imagination through writing a lot of article reguarding to the techer said so this is very useful for the students like me who dream to be a writer

  17. shyam lal khoudwal on said:

    I want to become a writer and need your help. Thanks.

  18. ADEENARAIN TATIAH on said:

    Ive been longing for such a course since long. I find the topics interesting , and they meet my needs.

  19. Christina Culley on said:

    THank you

  20. Karishma on said:

    hello, I wish to take up your course. I also wish to take up creative writing class for kids too. Will this course help?

    • Fiona Veitch Smith on said:

      This looks at general principles of creative writing which will help you no matter what age group you write for. But it is not specifically aimed at writing for children.

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